Term 3 Week 9

From the Principal’s desk
The end of term has snuck up on us very quickly. The school is humming along, and the students are working hard with great
success. We have been very careful to follow the NSW Health Department and The Department of Educations measures to
minimise the risk of COVID-19 in our school community. These measures have kept us completely safe here at Merewether
Public School. Thank you all for your assistance and compliance with the current processes.
The current requirements are that the school exclude students or staff with even mildest flu like symptoms (any of the following –
cough, sore/scratchy throat, fever, runny nose). We are then required to prohibit return of anyone with these symptoms until
they return a negative COVID-19 test result to the school.
We are hoping, that with the current positive suppression of the virus here in NSW, we may have some relieving of the rules
regarding the end of year celebrations. We will keep you informed.
Pick up/drop off
I have concerns about the backing up of traffic and inappropriate stopping and parking in the ‘NO STOPPING, zones outside the
main entrance on Henry Street. The police have let me know that they will begin to patrol the zone and that fines will apply. We
are currently working with the Asset Management Unit and the Newcastle City Council to have an official ‘Kiss and Drop’ zone
put onto place lower down the street. I will keep you informed, in the mean time please adhere to the school zone rules and

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